Avinsa Haykal
4 min readDec 29, 2021


diagram by Marc Ngui

we all born with strings tied from each of our psyches to unimaginable final destinations of actions, persons, and locations. these strings heavily drag our mind, body, and intention to their respective directions. how big these pulls can affect our motion depend on how realized we are with the existence of these strings. we could break off the threads, and do what we radically want. we could be unaware at all, and let the strings pull our form back and forth to directions that we would not even be able to predict. or we could also reconcile with the strings, forming mutual reactions for the sake of harmony. they are so thin, and can mostly be seen after an action has taken place; most regret comes late, so is gratefulness. they can be either peculiar or innocent. the ability to be informed whether an action is purely based on either our profound will, string’s mind, or both, needs an extensive effort for it to be unlocked. such effort is immensely vague and there is no rigid formalities or instructions on how to unlock them. every case scenario is different. meditate, talk to ourselves, slow thinking, or pause-and-introspect; those are activities that are mostly can be found in cliche self-help books which are not wrong at all as they could be some of the examples to unlock that ability. the question is whether one individual is already on that kind of track and pathway to unlock their ability to see the strings.

anxiety comes when one cannot realize whether an action or event is done by their own will, their full strings’ inertias, or both.

every person’s strings are different. its initial position and inertia are random. maybe those are some examples of real-world randomness in nature that are so obvious. when that randomness was born, it could be perceived that every activity and action are happening at every moment, will be very hard to be predicted if the individuals barely are sober. but there are abilities to influence the inertia. every individual can recode, and rewrite their strings’ algorithms. seems obscure and sounds a bit like a synonym of ‘habit’ but it is not. habit is different from an individual invisible string. if one perceives the term habit, it is often seen as if the conscious act is merely the only way to launch an action (directly from thought to the output machine). if there is a hungry person, it will be guaranteed through the lens of habit that the top priority action for them to do is to find foods and eat. but is it always like that? another one, if this hungry person is coincidently an important person of a company and they are in a middle of a crucial meeting that can change the fate of their company to either 100% fail or 100% success; will finding-foods and eating still be on its top priority list? most unlikely those two actions will even bypass the queue.

it can be like that because their strings are already on a particular “A” or “B” state; influenced and built by thousands of different individual experiences and variables: their works, habits, environments, educations, et cetera. all of that variables have sculptured the strings’ pathway to a sort of ‘work-ethic’ storyline, in this example. so can we say that all of those things are unconscious acts? not at all. there is still the biggest variable one can tweak and use to influence the strings’ inertias; suggestive-reflection and one of them is conscious talk with one’s self.

it is an absurd stance when persons can have the audacity to spit out words to the so-they-called normies, while they don’t have a single clue at all about their string’s current coordinate. once the realization vanishes, it destroys the bridge that lets the rational and sober signal of choice be safely transferred and channeled into the fixture of real-world realization. when the bridges are collapsed, signals of desire are shaking furiously; furious, and strongly become mad, so then it tries on every single possible alternative route of access to keep the production of activity be running. when the decision signal is launched through one of the alternative routes, it will bypass the faculty of string screening. this faculty has the duty of clarifying the sleek-plane owner whether the future action is going to be profound-rational-based or unconscious-biased-uncontrollable-based. the latter is one of the main causes of catastrophic events in daily lives. whether micro or macro scale; chaos is born from actions that are launched and pulled by unknown, unacknowledged-type of individual strings.



Avinsa Haykal

tea, fountain pens, books, progrock, jazz, and street cats